Pioneering nature-based solution to water pollution.

COP28 commences today in Dubai (1st December 2023) where representatives of states, business, industries, and campaigning organisations congregate under the United Nations umbrella, to urge, debate and either agree or dispute key next steps under the spotlight of the World’s media. Surrounding this forthcoming week’s event is the tussle of opinions and dissection of agendas, and as the volume of many voices grows and occupy the many media channels and platforms it leaves many with the questions ‘How does this translate into realistic action?’ and ‘Is there any real progress being made to improve our planet, society, and the impact we’re having on the natural world?’

This year I’ve been fortunate enough to participate and work with teams dedicated to addressing issues of climate change, driving sustainable business approaches, and implementing pioneering world leading solutions that deliver tangible results and positive change.

One such project I am very proud to be a part of is addressing the issue of ‘nutrient-neutrality’ that has affected the rate of housebuilding in the UK (and in other countries across Europe) alongside the cleanliness of rivers, and their pollution by phosphates. Working with teams responsible for planning and natural environment in Herefordshire Council, I witnessed first-hand how expertise was mobilised over recent years to bring together leading ecologists, environmental scientists, and engineering consulting firms to find a solution to offset and reduce phosphates that pollute watercourses and rivers within the Wye Catchment in Herefordshire.

This environmental challenge was tied up with the restrictions on the housing development within high-risk areas, which required navigating legal, political, environmental, and engineering hurdles. The teamwork that ensued and materialised to a conclusion in the summer of 2023 was the creation of the Luston Wetland. The knowledge and insights have since been shared with national agencies (incl. Natural England) and forms the essential resource and toolkit from which Local Authorities across England and Wales can draw to find a viable and robust nature-based solution to addressing nutrient-neutrality. The rigour that this pioneering project delivers ensures a financially sound mitigation solution which comprises of both measurable impact (volume of nitrates generated) and offsetting values and options.

The genius of the Luston Wetland project being that this helps lift the restrictions on housebuilding within Herefordshire, and allows for a moderated, monitored managing of nutrient-neutrality over the next century, while enhancing the ecosystems in the vicinity and cleansing the wastewater of phosphates before being released into the watercourses and rivers in the Wye Catchment.

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Read the case study –

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